Saturday, December 19, 2009

Faeces More Condition_symptoms What Is The Possible Cause Of Slight Drop Of Semen When Excreting Faeces?

What is the possible cause of slight drop of semen when excreting faeces? - faeces more condition_symptoms

Sometimes, when a friend of hard stool, leads a small drop of semen that leaves your body. He is concerned and wants to know the cause.


DrEarp said...

Anatomically, the rectum, seminal vesicles immediately after prostate and associated companies. The seminal vesicles produce and secrete semen added to the production of sperm in the testicles. This is done on a tubular structure called the vas deferens.

The vas deferens is not completely emptied after the ejaculation of semen. A bowel movement is by the contraction of the colon, which increases the pressure in the colon produced. This is also reflected by an external pressure of the well against the prostate, seminal vesicles and vas deferens. This may be the expression of a small amount of semen cause a bowel movement. This is especially true if constipation is present and distribute the level of pressure on the chair is too high.

I hope that answers your question.


SubJ said...

Semen makes the prostate is located near the rectum st

avsubbar... said...

Your friends are not enough to masturbate!

. said...

So much for breakfast only a slight decrease of vomit in my mouth

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