Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Electric Pump Is A Manual Or Electric Breast Pump Better?

Is a manual or electric breast pump better? - electric pump

I need a pump that pumps fast. I used to have an electric pump with my last child, and now I have a baby and bought a new one. I do not think that many (about 1 or 2 ounces per session) with power. All mothers who have tried both?


Mommy_to... said...

I have a manual until I go back to work. The first time, if you are a Lansinoh double electric, I wondered why he did not before. It was much easier than with the manual transmission.

mommy2tw... said...

I personally recommend the electric to manual. I tried many hand pumps at the end of my first child and early retirement lactation (5 months). The best is the Medela pumps - have a new kit is to be connected to anything while pumping so you can move around to take care of the baby, etc. This model is the "freestyle" and his latest, and more. Here are the bombs in styles, I suggest that the improvement over the original, if you can, and the Lansinoh pump is cheaper and more efficient power for the price. (Approx. $ 150) By the way, one or two ounces per session is quite normal. The amount increases with practice. When the pump 6 may be more consistently to 8 times a day, get a bonus of 8.16 ounces to save or to feed the baby. That's a lot!

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